My Process

I offer two organizing methods to enable me to best match a service to your needs:
the KonMari Method® and The Refreshed Space Process.

The KonMari Method®

Katie at her KonMari® training in 2019.


Marie Kondo developed the KonMari Method® to create transformation change. She is the best-selling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and has two seasons of a show highlighting her process on Netflix. She is an organizational master whose method is unique and highly effective.

The tidying process in the Konmari Method® is a hands-on decluttering method that begins with identifying your ideal lifestyle. Taking the time to think about what your vision is for your life and space will guide you as you check all your items for joy and keep only those that bring you joy. We will explore this during your in-home consultation.

It is a method that requires you to make decisions about what to keep, rather than what to discard. The focus of the process is on developing and strengthening your sense of what sparks joy®. When you discard something, you do so with gratitude for what it brought to your life.

It is a personal journey, so you will work with your belongings, not the belongings of any other household member (with the exception of small children).

You will work through your belongings by category instead of location. It is important to work through the categories in the correct order:

1. Clothing
2. Books
3. Paper
4. Komono (everything else)
5. Sentimental.

the refreshed space process

  • Organized Home - Vision for Organization

    Identify your goal

    We will walk through your space together so you can show me your pain points. A few things we will discuss are:
    What are you hoping to achieve in the space? What about the space works? What doesn’t work? How involved would you like to be in the process?

    This step will be done during your home consultation.

  • Sort Items for Decluttering

    Empty & Sort

    I will pull everything out of the space and sort the items into categories. Seeing items in a category will make the decisions to discard or donate items easier for you.

  • Declutter - Keep, Donate, Discard


    Organizing clutter will only lead you back to a place of disorganization. I always ask clients to take the time to look through their items and make decisions on what to discard or donate. This tends to be the most difficult step for my clients. I am ready to support and guide you through any tough decisions.

  • Organization Solutions

    Plan & Organize

    We will discuss whether existing bins, baskets, shelves will be used or whether new organization products will be purchased. If new products will be purchased, we will agree upon a budget and I will source the products to begin implementing.

  • Organization Systems to help you stay organized

    Systems & Habits

    I will walk you through the organization systems created and explain how to maintain them.

    In most cases, I try to create systems that work with your current habits and routines, but there will be times I recommend a new habit or routine that will be crucial to maintaining an organized space.

  • Organized Home

    Enjoy Your Space

    I will leave you with a space that is functional and beautiful. Your space will support your needs and help your life flow more smoothly.

    I will check in with you after you’ve lived in the space for two weeks and will offer a complimentary hour of service if there is anything that needs to be adjusted to make the space work better for you and your family.

Our sessions will be

  • Personalized

    Understanding the unique needs of you and your space is my utmost priority. I want to make sure I create a space that is intuitive and functional for you and your family.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to achieving an organized home. I’ll work closely with you to help identify and overcome those pain points to leave you with a refreshed and organized space.

  • Integrated

    Since achieving an organized home is more than just a one-time organization of your space, I’ll create systems and talk to you about habits (current and new) to leave you with a functional and maintainable space.

How you’ll feel

More relaxed, refreshed, and in control of your space and life

I’m Ready to refresh my space

Steps for decluttering and organizing home

Schedule a phone call to find out how I can support you in clearing out your clutter and organizing your space!